Build Personalized Journeys: Zero Party vs. First Party Data
In the past two years we’ve seen the rise of the term zero-party, but what exactly is zero-party data? So many companies and merchan
ts are still unfamiliar with what it is, how it’s used, and what makes it different from first-party data. With rising GDPR and CCPA privacy laws it makes it harder for brands to understand not only how to collect data but how to use it to target their customers in a ‘non-creepy’ kind of way. Don’t worry, we’re here to help!
Join Tanya Plaza, Deliverability and Messaging Operations Director Dotdigital with our special guest Erika Strum Silberstein, President, Wine Enthusiast Commerce as they share their own insights and mandates about the importance and power of customer data to drive effective personalized customer engagement. In this fireside chat they’ll discuss:
• How the way you collect data about your customers affects their perception of your brand.
• Differences between data types and their use
• How to power more effective marketing efforts through first and zero-party data
• Why trust has become a key consideration in the decision-making process.
Featured Speakers
Tanya Plaza, Deliverability and Messaging Operations Director, Dotdigital
Erika Strum, Silberstein President, Wine Enthusiast Commerce