Libbie Health

EFT-Tapping App.

Are you a Black, Indigenous, Latina, or other woman of color (BIPOC) who is feeling exhausted, overwhelmed, or anxious? Know that you are not alone!

If you're looking for a NEW way to manage your anxiety and stress, EFT-Tapping might be the perfect fit for you. Tapping is a proven method of rewiring your brain and interrupting negative thought patterns using light touch on specific meridian points on the face, hands, and body. It can help you reduce limiting beliefs from microaggressions, as well as other forms of stress happening in your daily life.

We've created a NEW app called Libbie that will teach you the Tapping process. You can chat with Libbie to express your difficult emotions, and learn to literally tap them away with step-by-step guidance. Get the Libbie app today—your go-to resource to get unstuck so you can fulfill your purpose!


Sweet Mary Brown


Sheba Baby!