The Mobile Barista: Making your event an experience.

Founder, Michael Bonavita grew up drinking great coffee with his family. As an adult, he wondered why so many of the best restaurants and coffee bars in New York City and around the country couldn’t seem to get their coffee right.  After a delicious meal at a gourmet restaurant he would then be served an utterly crappy cup of coffee.  I mean, how could these foodies not get it? The last impression a customer has is the cup of coffee they are served. Why put so much effort into the meal to end the whole experience on a bad note.  Thus began the mission to help restaurants, coffee bars and eateries a better cup of coffee.

This is not the coffee he grew up with.

Through his Italian upbringing and time spent in Italy, the Italian coffee experience was ingrained in Michael.  As a young adult, he moved to the West Coast and spent time in the Pacific Northwest learning about 3rd Wave Coffee.  He became a barista, immersed himself in all things coffee and ultimately combined what he learned out west with his Italian roots to create Goodlife Coffee Company.  Today, Michael and Goodlife Coffee Company are on a mission to share his knowledge with you so that you can serve your clients an unforgettable cup of coffee.


Bonita Fierce Candles


Omnia Brush | Moda Brush